
Teacher Mrs S Redding and Mrs E McCarthy

Teacher Mrs M Walbyoff

Teaching Assistant Mrs L Curtis

Teaching Assistant Mrs D Hitchcock

Teaching Assistant Miss R Rayfield

School Support Assistant Miss Allen

Our Reception

At Glory Farm Primary, we are very fortunate to be able to offer our Reception children a fantastic open plan space with a large outdoor learning environment in which to start their first year in school.

Children enter our Reception classes in the September after their 4th birthday.

We run our Reception classes as a unit, using the skills and expertise of all of our experienced EYFS staff to ensure the very best outcomes for all children. We encourage independence from the very first day as we believe this paves the way for a successful learning journey for your child.

Our exploration and learning provision is planned for using on-going observations and assessments of children’s interests, knowledge and skills in each of the 7 areas of the EYFS Curriculum. No two days look the same in our unit, as we are continuously reflecting, reviewing and adapting our provision to suit the needs of all children.

We pride ourselves on working very closely with our families and welcome you to get as involved as you can in your child’s experience of Reception with us here at Glory Farm Primary School.

If you would like to meet the team and see the wonderful provision we can offer your child, please get in touch with the school office on 01869 244050 to arrange a visit.

Current Topic - ‘I Wonder What Is Out There?’- Summer Term 6

During this term, our topic is called ‘I Wonder What Is Out There?’We will be spending time exploring what can be found in the world around us. We will be focusing on different forms of transport and will be starting our topic with our hook day - 'A Day trip to France’ . We will be focusing on going to the airport, what we might need to take in our bags - passports and tickets and visiting a French Cafe to eat food typically from France.

In maths, we will be learning to double numbers and to work out how to know if a number is odd or even.

In English we will be continuing to develop our writing skills - remembering to use capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops.

In PE, we will continue to have Mrs Roberts for Zumba, whilst also getting ready for our sports day.

My Learning This Week in Reception - What did it look like?
Please follow this link to view "My Learning This Week in Reception.

What does GLD Look Like?

Please follow this link to view the slides from the "What does GLD Look Like? Parent meeting.

News - 10th January 2024

The children have had a wonderful start to the week, sharing what they did over the holidays and exploring the activities. Click here to view the photos

News - 6th February 2024

Last week, our Reception children had a wonderful time creating their own boats in the craft area. We learnt about floating and sinking and then predicted whether our boats would float or sink in the water tray. The children then had the option to see how many weights it would take to sink their boat. We really enjoyed this activity!  

PE days 

Our PE Days will be Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come into school in their PE Kit on these days each week.

Reminders and Routine 
  • Children should be provided with a healthy snack and water bottle everyday.
  • Please ensure all personal items are named.
  • Children should be encouraged to develop their independence by doing as much for themselves as possible. This can include putting on their own coat, changing their shoes, tidying away their belongings and toys and helping their grown-ups at home.
  • To ensure the safety of all children we request that they are wearing appropriate footwear - this means children should be able to put their own shoes on and be able to tie their own laces if wearing laced shoes.
  • Please provide your child with a named raincoat, spare clothes and a pair of wellies


Phonics Slides for Parents

Health Visitor Developmental Review Poster

Quick Guide to Accessing Health Visitor Service for Parents 

Typical Day in Reception

Welcome to Marvellous Me

What to Expect

Websites To Support Learning

Teacher Your Monster 


Boom shake the alphabet

CBeebies Numeracy

Top Marks Maths Games

Reception Newsletters 22/23

Reception Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 2023

Reception Autumn Term 2 Newsletter 2023

Reception Spring Term 3 Newsletter 2024

Reception Spring Term 4 Newsletter 2024

Reception Summer Term 5 Newsletter 2024

Reception Summer Term 6 Newsletter 2024