Year 6

Teacher Mrs L Childs

Teacher Mrs A Sofroniou

Teaching Assistant Mrs K Goodwin (HLTA)


Current Topic - Summer Term 6

The final term is set to be a fun-filled, busy term which will help to make a memorable end to children's time at Glory Farm Primary School. The children will be practising for their end of year production: I'm An 11 Year Old - Get Me Out Of Here. This will entail both singing practice and rehearsal of their lines for the play. Please could we ask you to support your child with learning their lines to help the production run as smoothly as possible. Later on in the term, we will send out a costume list - please look out for this! 

During our English lessons, we will be exploring our new class text called The Boy At The Back Of The Class and our maths lessons will be spent familiarising ourselves with a scientific calculator in preparation for secondary school.

As mentioned above, this is a busy term for Year 6 so please ensure that you take a look at the Dates For Diary section of the newsletter to make sure you are fully aware of the upcoming events.

Reminders and Routines
  • Children should be reading at least 5 times a week - please ask them to tell you what they are reading about.
  • Children should be practising their time tables - including the related division facts. This could be done using Time Tables Rockstars.
  • Children should be learning their spellings every day so that they are known "for life".
  • When they come to school, they need to bring a water bottle.
  • Take time during the week to complete their homework - they will get a piece of Maths and English each week. You can always check what homework has been set by looking in Google Classroom.
PE Days

PE will take place on a Wednesday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE Kit.



We will add more sites as the year progresses...

BBC Bitesize

TT Rockstars

Maths Frame

Primary Homework Help

National Geographic


Year 6 Newsletters - 2023/2024

Year 6 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 2023

Year 6 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter 2023

Year 6 Spring Term 3 Newsletter 2024

Year 6 Spring Term 4 Newsletter 2024

Year 6 Summer Term 5 Newsletter 2024

Year 6 Summer Term 6 Newsletter 2024