Year 3

Teacher Mrs K Hanlon

Teacher Miss V Cox

Teaching Assistant Mrs J Kittle (HLTA)

Teaching Assistant Miss L Walsh


Current Topic - Tomb Raiders - Summer Term 6

This term we are continuing our topic ‘Tomb Raiders’. We will be

learning more about the Ancient Egyptians, including mummification, the Book of the Dead and comparing daily life to our own. In Art, we will be making Egyptian  death masks. Our English text is ‘Cinderella of the Nile’ and we will be using this to help us write our own stories. In Science, we are learning about the different types of rocks and their features, looking at how they are made and where you can find them. 

We will also be preparing for our end of year performance about the pharaohs of Egypt. Keep your ears open for when children come home singing fantastic songs! 

News - 23rd February 2024

Year 3 have had a great start back after the half term. This afternoon we looked at onomatopoeia and created posters in Pop Art style. We even got to watch a bit of the Year 2 Great Fire of London activity from the window!

Reminders and Routines
  • Please read daily
  • Daily practice of times tables on TT Rockstars
  • Please support your child in completing their homework

PE lessons will take place on a Monday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on PE days.

Websites to Support Learning

TT Rockstars

BBC Super Movers

White Rose Maths

Oxford Owl


Year 3 Newsletters 2023/2024

Year 3 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 2023

Year 3 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter 2023

Year 3 Spring Term 3 Newsletter 2024

Year 3 Spring Term 4 Newsletter 2024

Year 3 Summer Term 5 Newsletter 2024

Year 3 Summer Term 6 Newsletters 2024